Desperately Seeking Balance

Hello, Nice to Meet You!

I’m a Mommy. And an entrepreneur. And a wife, sister, daughter, cousin, niece, granddaughter, acquaintance and best friend. Like all of you, I play a lot of parts in this performance we call life. And often, it’s hard to figure out which role makes us a star.

So for the sake of this new blog, I’m picking one primary demographic and introducing myself to you. Hello, I’m Jill. I’m a 36-year-old mother of two little ones, and I juggle a lot. I juggle caring for my children and my household, and my own business as a writer and editor. Not to mention finding hours in the day and the energy necessary to have my own social life and take care of me – emotionally and physically.

I’ve always loved health and fitness. I loved dancing around in spangled costumes as a kid and teenager, and new fitness trends and classes always capture a few hours – and a few bucks – of my precious me-time. But despite my lifelong commitment to staying active and eating healthy, I’ve never been thin. Always fit, but never thin.

What’s your ‘issue’?

I know I’m not alone in this – we’ve all got body issues we contend with daily. Each one is a personal battle – often shared intimately with those who support us – and it doesn’t matter if we’re tall, short, pudgy, thin, muscular or not. Body issues are our own, and they’re real.

Now don’t be turned off and click to the next page – I will not be using this space to document my ongoing fight with the number on the scale. I hope to share some insight, spark some conversation and seek insight on the “momma-thon.” That is the long, strenuous race that is motherhood and all it encompasses, as well as how life’s other pressures fit into the mix.

For those of you who aren’t mommies, I’m sure you know and love some. So perhaps you can share insight on what it’s like to be a mommy support system, or gain insight on how challenging – and rewarding! – life can be for the women in your lives.

All of us strive for health and wellness physically and emotionally, and it seems in this very social media-influenced world we live in that blogs help us all relate, learn and communicate. I look forward to doing that here as we “chat” about health, wellness, family, relationships, fun fitness trends, kids, healthy role modeling and much more.

Off to tackle my To Do list!


Desperately Seeking Balance will explore the keys to balancing motherhood, life, work and the commitment to health and wellness.